
Winter Solstice 21 June

Welcome to the shortest day of the year – this time of year is all about Rekindling,
extinguishing flames and bringing back light from the darkness

This celebration is about the rebirth of light and hope, for domestic happiness and
stability, family togetherness, anything to do with the home and property and for
financial security; for long term money ventures, for patience and for accepting
what cannot be changed; to melt away what is no longer needed, to let go of
obstacles in the way of your personal growth and the calling of people you still
miss back from the past into your life once again and for restoring enthusiasm
and health

Incenses, flowers and herbs :

Bay, cedar, feverfew, frankincense and myrrh mixed, holly, juniper,, pine , rosemary, sage and all spices, poinsettias , scarlet and white flowers and rosemary,.

Candle colours:
White, scarlet, gold, green and purple


Amazonite, malachite, garnet, snow quartz, snowflake obsidian, opal aura

Festival Foods:

Roast pork, turkey, rich meat and vegetable stews, mulled wine, rich fruit cake and puddings
to represent the fruits, grains and riches of the Earth Mother, sweet rice and cinnamon
pudding mix for the nature spirits, dates, small oranges and figs.

To ensure great health for the coming year – eat an apple on the 21st
and 22nd June

To eliminate worries and troubles over the past six months bathe in a
mixture of pine, bay leaves and rosemary

NB: if you do not have a bath, burn these incense and wish all your
troubles away