
Ostara: A time for celebration!

To remind ourselves of all things postive that we have in our lives. Welcoming the return of the Goddess after her Winter

The Spring Equinox of ‘Ostara‘ – Minor Sabbat – 23rd September

This is the energy of New Beginnings – out with the old and in with the new.

It is a time for bringing in new ideas, growth, playfulness, healing whilst invoking new
life – fertility. A time to be grounded and earth bound.
Making a fresh new path for vibrant, healthy and abunduntful ideas.

Spring Crafting / Activities

– Spring cleaning, throw away or give away to charity those items that you are hording that clutter your home or office. Removing people that are not of pure heart love energy; they drain your energy, they speak and act negatively toward and around you;

– Plant seeds in the earth beneath you or in a pot – before doing so, bless the seeds in your hands, then saying your desires of which you would like to achieve this coming season; add a clear quartz crystal and as you nurture your seeds, watching them grow, so will the purity, love and joy in your own heart.

– Decorate and / or eat eggs – ( egg symolizes fertility and life ) – decorate, draw or paint your egg, then either eat it or bury it in your garden for extra protection.

– Keep green around you – eating green vegetables and fruit, lighting green candles