
February Celebrations

February MAGICK is used to focus on Purification, growth, healing and Loving the self. Energy working / healing allowing you to take responsibility for past mistakes. Forgiveness of yourself and for melting away un-pleasantries / conflict between family and work colleagues.
For making plans / setting goals for the future.

02 February
Lughnasadh – Southern Hemisphere – Meaning – Gratitude, Abundance, Fruition

Imbolc – Northern Hemisphere – Meaning – Purification, Initiation, Dedication

Goddess    Brighid / Bridget
Symbols    Milk, honey, seeds
Candle colours    Pastel pinks, green, blue and white
Crystals    Amethyst, Bloodstone, Moonstone, Garnet, Rose Quartz
Festival Food    Grain / seed bread, milk, ice cream, honey, cheese, butter

Lughnasadh/Imbolc Activities

House and Business Cleansings to clear all of last year’s trauma, pain, negativity and
blends to bring in new healthy, prosperous, successful energies

This is a perfect time to detox, paegan weight loss symbol begin a fitness and healthy lifestyle regime

Meditate, sit in peace and quiet or go on a retreat to re-centre / balance yourself

Get a glass or cup of milk; pour a little bit of the milk onto our Mother Earth, honouring her and asking her for fertility / growth in any area of your life. Drink the rest of the milk or add it to cooking

In a pot gently boil some milk, add a few cubes of ice and as you gently stir watching the ice melt, speak of any hurt, quarrels or coldness that you have received and now wish to remove from your like once and for all. As the ice cubes melt away, so will the pain and ask for positive, bright happy energies to replace them.