Litha (Summer Solstice)

Litha / Midsummer

December / January MAGICK is used to focus on Power, courage and success; for health, happiness, strength, energy and self confidence. It’s a great time for fulfilling personal and career goals and for maximizing opportunities. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year.
This is masculine energy, when the Sun is at its most powerful.

20 – 22 December
Litha – – Southern Hemisphere – Meaning – Power, leadership, authority

Yule – – Northern Hemisphere – Meaning – Hope, security, stability

God: Llew or Lugh – wise farmer and protector
Symbols: Golden fruit and veges, brightly coloured flowers
Candle colours: Red, Orange, Gold and Yellow
Crystals: Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Amber, Red Jasper, Sun Stone
Festival Food: Ham, butter, cheese, honey, red wine, red and yellow fruits and veges

Litha / Summer Solstice Activities

Make five new powerful positive affirmations
Light Sun oil or incense to bring the power of the Sun into your home or workplace. Orange, juniper, frankincense, rosemary

Make Summer Solstice water, the most powerful Sun water of the year. Pour water into a gold/yellow dish and set yellow flowers around it. Do this from Solstice eve until noon Solstice day. Pour into a bottle and drink or bath in it for healing, empowering, energy and confidence. Place your gold jewellery in the Summer Solstice sunlight to charge for a few hours or in front of a gold candle.